MINER'S LULLABY - Lyrics by Bruce 'Utah' Phillips, tune by Jody Stecher and Kate Brislin
Sung and recorded by Anke Summerhill. Introduction by Utah Phillips and sung by Jody Stecher and Kate Breslin. Recorded by Jody Stecher and Kate Breslin.

Once, long ago, he was handsome and tall              / C / G7 / F / F /
And fit to be called to the war                                      / C / C / G7 / G7 /
We left our village, family and all                             / C / G7 / F / F /
To never return any more                                           / C / G7 / C / C /

Now he takes his coat, bucket and lamp                       / C / C / F / F /
And whistles away to the cage                                        / C / C / G7 / G7 /
Where men young and old from all over the camp   / C / G7 / F / F /
Gather in search of a wage                                             / C / G7 / C / C /                

Husband, sleep, lay your head back and dream      / C / G7 /F / F /
A slow fallen leaf borne down to the stream           / C / C / G7/ G7 /
Then carried away on the wings of morphine        / F / F / C / C /
Homeward far over the sea                                        / C / G7 / C / C /

My husband and I are Roman in faith
And we have a secret to keep
If ever his life is taken away
Then gentle and long will he sleep

Now some men pass with family around
And linens and blankets so clean
But seldom a miner goes underground
Without his tin of morphine


But now here's a word, an explosion is heard
The miners are trapped far below
If any survived down there alive
I'm certain we never will know

Although our families have vainly appealed
No rescue attempt can be seen
Our hope for loved ones in the dark earth sealed
Now lies in a tin of morphine
